Swimming Bugs In Pool

The most common types of bugs found in pools are backswimmers and water boatmen. These two bugs do not typically carry or transmit diseases to humans. They can bite humans. Is it a lovely thing?

Scenario 1: Imagine you’re enjoying a relaxing swim in the pool with your partner. At that time an unexpected bug crawled on the water’s surface. This unexpected guest can certainly ruin the moment and be quite disturbing. 

Scenario 2: You’re a hotel manager. A guest brings to your attention that they’ve spotted bugs in the hotel’s swimming pool. Is it worth your hotel’s reputation?

This could be a significant concern, not only for the guest’s comfort but also for the hotel’s reputation. Both scenarios revolve around one main subject: swimming bugs in pool. If not addressed properly, it can be quite uncomfortable for you. So, what’s the solution? No worries. As a swimming pool owner, I’ll teach you how to eliminate these swimming bugs.

what are the water bugs in my pool

So, what will you learn?

  • Identification
  • Ways to safely remove bugs forever
  • Maintenance and precaution

Interesting, right? Then, let’s not delay anymore, let’s get started. 

Identifying the Presence of Swimming Bugs in Pool

If the second scenario hasn’t happened to you yet, congratulations. But for how long will you be spared from such a situation? As a hotel owner or personal swimming pool owner, you must stay vigilant. Otherwise, your reputation will be damaged.

If you are the owner, your created swimming pool will be uncomfortable. Do you want to see such an event? I also don’t want that to happen to you. Now let’s get to the point. How can you tell if there are bugs in your swimming pool? In reality, bugs may not always be visible to the naked eye. So, how can it be identified?

Yes, it’s possible. Let’s see how easily you can identify them. 


First, you need to identify what type of bug has been found in your swimming pool. Then, take appropriate action. Commonly, water boatmen and backswimmers are more commonly found. 

How to identify them:

Water boatman

  • Color: dark brown or black
  • Size: 1/4 to 3/8 inches
  • Shape: Flattened and oval-shaped body.

Back Swimmers

  • Color: Yellowish or greenish
  • Size: 1/2 inches
  • Shape: Elongated and flattened

You will need to identify the type of bug present in your swimming pool. 

By observing the physical characteristics such as size, shape, and color. Then, take appropriate treatment accordingly.


This step is crucial in the process, as it involves performing an inspection. To ensure proper execution, please follow these guidelines:

  • Carefully inspect the surface of the water and the walls for bugs and their eggs.
  • Use a flashlight if inspecting at night.
  • Check the ph level to ensure it hasn’t decreased or increased due to the presence of bugs.

Follow these three guidelines during the inspection process. If you are able to find and remove the bugs, proceed with treatment. Otherwise, you will need to take some pre-preparation measures. 

Now, let’s see how to remove the bugs.

Ways to safely remove swimming bugs in pool forever

You already know how to determine if a bug exists. So, how do you safely remove it? I will now tell you the methods.

Use Swimming Pool Net

“Pool Net” is considered to be the best alternative for any type of fertilizer or toxic chemical. With this type of net, you can easily remove those annoying water bugs forever. How can it be used? To use a pool net, simply dip the net into the water. Then, sweep it across the surface of the pool, collecting any debris that is present. Lastly, the net can then be emptied into a trash bag or other container for disposal.  Simple process, right?

Now, you may ask me, “Where can I purchase a pool net and which type should I buy?” Well, I have a recommendation for you. I personally use U.S. Pool Supply Ultra Fine Mesh Net.

Use of liquid dish soap 

Liquid dish soap is an alternative method for removing bugs from a swimming pool. It is more effective than using pesticides. Have a tight budget to purchase a pool cover frequently? It may be more suitable for individuals who are on a tight budget. You can use it as an alternative to a pool cover. So, how can you use it?

Add a small amount of liquid dish soap to the water and stir to create a soapy solution. Use a brush to scrub the sides. Lastly, use the pool’s filtration system to circulate the water. That’s it. Very easy, right? Don’t want to use liquid dish soap? No problem. Let’s see another alternative.

Peppermint essential oils

Peppermint oil is a natural bug repellent. It is the best alternative to liquid dish soap. So how does it work? Just, add a few drops of peppermint oil to your pool water. The refreshing scent of peppermint will keep bugs away. Is it harmful? This is a safe and effective alternative to chemical bug repellents.

But, make sure you purchased the authentic Peppermint essential oil. Counterfeit oil sellers are a problem in the industry. They mix inferior products with good oil and sell it at a cheaper price. So, what to do?

  • Implement stricter regulations and oversight of the oil industry.
  • Increase penalties for sellers caught mixing bad oil to deter this behavior.
  • Encourage consumers to only purchase oil from reputable and certified sources.

Maintenance and precaution

Removing bugs is not an easy task. You will not be able to remove all types of bugs yourself. You need to be very careful.  Otherwise, you may get infected by some diseases. Because some venomous spiders can cause serious harm. Like the following photo

water bugs in pool that bite

So, let’s see what precautions you should take.

#1 Removing harmful insects or pests is not a simple task. Example: Venomous spider. What should you do then? It is best to seek assistance from a professional pest control service rather than attempting to handle the issue on your own. 

#2 It is important to avoid using pesticides. Chemical sprays are not suitable for use in swimming pools. Consult with a knowledgeable individual for guidance on this matter.

#3 Do not take this task lightly. Utilize a long-handled tool. Such as a pool skimmer. It helps you to ensure the proper removal of pests.

Final Suggestion

So, guys now I’ve reached the final stage of the content. Before concluding the content, I am giving you some suggestions from my side: 

Suggestion 01: Your swimming pool is your property. Therefore, it is your responsibility to maintain and protect the health of your family by taking care of it.

Suggestion 02: Make it a point to conduct a visual inspection of your pool at least once a week to ensure everything is in order.

Suggestion 03: Use essential oils at least twice a week.

I personally use these things and can confidently recommend them to you. Feel free to give them a try. That’s all for today. Thank You.

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